How to Get Started with Coding | Best Way | 2020

 There are 5 Basic Steps to get Started with Coding .

1. Know Why You wanted To Learn Coding


  • For Money ?
  • Want to be a Hacker ?
  • Feel cool being a Techie ?
  • Passion ?
  • To Get a Job ?
  • Want to create your own apps ?

What's your Reason ? Anything may be the reason . But ultimately you need to love it . Because it is a long hard way. You can't master it in a week or month . It needs years of practice and No one has excelled it still . 

2. Learn Programming than jumping into a Language

                Ok , You love coding . What's next ? Choosing a Programming Language ? A Big NO ! I had seen people asking me , "What is the best Programming Language to get Started if I am a Complete Beginner ? " 


People see crazy hacking movies and Techies and assume that is programming . 

  • What is Programming ?
            Programming is a way to " instruct the computer to perform various Tasks " 

  • What is a Programming Language ?
            Programming Language is the medium of instruction 

  • Learn Building Blocks First

It is rightly said , " You Must First Walk Before You Run " 

A few days spending on learning the complete Basics would prevent a lot of time in Future . You can't straight away jump into a Programming Language , copy paste code and make a reliable app . 

What are the Basics ? 

  • Programming
  • How Programming used
  • Power of Programming
  • How computer interacts with Code
  • Data Types
  • Variables
  • Keywords
  • Logical and Arithmetic Operators
  • If else Conditions
  • Loops
  • Arrays
  • Functions
  • Input Output Oprations
  • Libraries
  • Frameoworks

You don't have to master every topic . But diving in without knowing them will take you nowhere .

3. YouTube is the best resource

Now you wanted to learn first Basics and eventually learn Advanced stuff , But where can we Start . What is the best Site ? What is the best Course ? 

The Answer is YOUTUBE

YouTube already has a huge number of create free complete beginner courses . 

The point is first invest your time than investing your money in Courses . When you want to have advanced practical sessions then you can opt for certain courses .

My Few Personal Picks are 

If you have any other favourite YouTuber comment his Channel below.

4. Coding is Coding not Watching . Practice 

Don't get struck in the Tutorial Bubble . You watch a tutorial then another continued by another . Writing 10 lines of Code is far better than watching 10 hour long tutorials . 

Do you know why School education fails to bring value . Because they lack Practical implementation . Make a split screen in your computer and follow up. Make few changes and see how it works . Improvise yourself . That's how you learn .

5. Voluntarty Projects

" To become the 1% , Do what 99% don't do "

You might have learned every Programming skills you need . But without exposing it to the society it is useless . No one is gonna offer a helping hand . Volunteer yourself in , 

  • OpenSource Projects
  • Building Websites
  • Building Apps
  • Build a Team of Like minded People
  • Do Freelancing
  • Share your knowledge
  • Create unique projects
This will help you to gain job or create your own App or Website and mainly a lot of experience in your programming career



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